Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Can you be a pessimist and a Christ-follower?

Can you be a pessimist and a Christ-follower?

No you can't.

See John 6:1-15 and Hebrews 11:6

In the first verses Philip is "tested" by Jesus when asked what should be done to buy bread for the 5000 men coming to see him up on the mountain. Philip only sees the fact that "It would take 200 denarii to buy bread for all these men!" The glass was half empty for Philip.

Whereas Andrew says "Hey look, we've got 5 barley loaves and 2 small fish, but how will they feed so many?" Jesus showed them all how a "half full" glass could go when one has a little faith in Bread of Life.

In Hebrews we are exhorted that we can't please God without believing not just in "God" but in a God that "rewards those who earnestly seek Him." God is looking for ways to bring blessings into your life. How can you be pessimistic about your future, the future of your family, the future of your church etc,etc with a God like that on our side?

To say nothing of these verses as well Romans 8:28-39.

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